Reorganization in the Board of Directors of Admicasa

Beat Langenbach, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Admicasa Holding, will retire from the Board. He is to be succeeded as Chairman of the Board by Serge Aerne.

Admicasa's board of directors is reorganizing (Image: Free-Photos - Pixabay)

At the Annual General Meeting of Admicasa Holding, personnel changes in the Board of Directors are pending. According to the company, the current Chairman of the Board of Directors, Beat Langenbach, will not stand for re-election. He will retire as Chairman of the Board of Directors and from the Board of Admicasa Holding.

Serge Aerne (born in 1979) and Felix Hegetschweiler (born in 1964) are to be newly elected to the board. Aerne will take over the chairmanship of the board of directors, Admicasa said. The current board members Markus Alder and Hans Klaus are proposed for re-election.

Aerne was CEO of the holding

Serge Aerne knows Admicasa well: he co-founded the company in 2016 and was CEO of the holding company and Chairman of the Board of Directors of all subsidiaries. In May 2020, he resigned from these offices for compliance reasons: The background to this was that the major shareholder SJA Holding, a family holding company founded by Aerne, wanted to give corporate governance a more pronounced weighting, Admicasa announced at the time. SJA currently holds a 33% stake in Admicasa Holding, according to information on the company's website.

For the financial year 2022, Admicasa Holding reports net revenues from deliveries and services of CHF 9.75 million, while net income is estimated at CHF 1.12 million. (ah)

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