Changing of the Swiss Prime Site Group Management Team

With the sale of Wincasa and the repositioning of Jelmoli, there will be personnel changes in the management of Swiss Prime Site.

Oliver Hofmann and Nina Müller leave the Group Management of Swiss Prime Site (Photo: Rawpixel - depositphotos)

Oliver Hofmann, CEO of Wincasa, is leaving the Group Management of Swiss Prime Site. The background to this is the sale of the real estate services provider to Implenia, which was completed on May 4.

Nina Müller, CEO of Jelmoli, is also leaving the executive committee of the real estate group. As of May 1, she has handed over the management of operations to Reto Braegger, until now Chief Merchandise Officer (CMO) of the luxury department store on Zurich's Bahnhofsstrasse. SPS will close the building by the end of 2024 and subsequently convert the property. In addition to retail, there will be offices and space for public uses such as gastronomy and fitness.

The Group Management of Swiss Prime Site now consists of three persons: CEO René Zahnd, CFO Marcel Kucher and Anastasius Tschopp, CEO of Swiss Prime Site Solutions. (ah)

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