Intershop: Three resignations from the Management Board

Three members of the Intershop Group's management have resigned, including CFO Thomas Kaul and Andreas Wirz, Head of Portfolio Management.

Three new positions will be filled in the management of the Intershop Group (Photo: Rawpixel - depositphotos)

Thomas Kaul has been with the company for eleven years, while Wirz has worked for Intershop for 15 years. They will be leaving the Group at their own request in the first half of 2024 to take up a new professional challenge, according to a press release. In addition, Christian Baldinger, Head of Construction and Development, terminated his employment contract at the end of March to take early retirement after 19 years.

"The Board of Directors of Intershop Holding AG regrets the decisions and thanks Christian Baldinger, Andreas Wirz and Thomas Kaul for their many years of great commitment and outstanding work," writes Intershop. They have implemented a large number of construction and development projects, acquisitions and divestments, built up sustainability reporting and optimized the financing structure.

The Board of Directors, together with the designated CEO, will search internally and externally for successors, the company announced. Simon Haus has been appointed as the new CEO and will take up his position on July 1 (IB reported). (aw)

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