Wüst und Wüst with new CEO

Pascal Vaucher becomes CEO of Wüst und Wüst and replaces Beat Hürlimann, who moves to the Board of Directors.

Pascal Vaucher (Image: Intercity Group Holding)

The Board of Directors of Intercity Group Holding AG appoints Pascal Vaucher as the new CEO of Wüst und Wüst. The Intercity subsidiary specializes in the marketing of exclusive residential property. Vaucher takes over from Beat Hürlimann, who has worked for the company since 2007 and has been elected to the Board of Directors of Wüst und Wüst AG. He takes over the chairmanship from Herbert Wüst, the majority shareholder of the Intercity Group.

Vaucher has been a member of the Board of Directors of the family holding company since 2020 and, with his appointment as CEO of Wüst und Wüst, will also become a member of the Intercity Group's Executive Board led by Robert Hauri. He opened the Engadine branch of Wüst und Wüst in 2022. "I am delighted that Pascal Vaucher, a member of the next generation of the family, will be responsible for the operational management of Wüst und Wüst," says Herbert Wüst.

The Group Executive Board of Intercity Group Holding AG is now composed as follows: Robert Hauri (Group CEO/Co-Owner SPGI Zurich AG), Cornelia Hürlimann (Group CFO), Mariana Schwager (CEO Intercity Vermarktung AG), Stefan Lemberger (CEO/Co-Owner Hugo Steiner AG) and Pascal Vaucher (CEO Wüst und Wüst AG). (aw)

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