Allreal Holding AG: New Head of Site Development

Thorsten Eberle has been the new Head of Site Development and a member of the Allreal management team since February.

Thorsten Eberle (Image: zVg)

With Eberle, Allreal has gained "a very experienced development and real estate specialist", Allreal announced. In the newly created role, Eberle will be responsible for the development and marketing of the former Rieter site in Winterthur (ZH) together with an interdisciplinary project team.

Eberle, who holds a degree in real estate management, most recently worked for Implenia on the development of the Bredella site in Pratteln (BL). Prior to that, he worked for more than ten years in site development at Hiag, for the Steiner Group and in portfolio management at Migros Genossenschaft Ostschweiz. Last year, Allreal acquired a 75,000 square meter industrial site in Winterthur Töss directly next to the new Rieter campus on Klosterstrasse, which is to be developed into an attractive district in the long term in dialog with the city of Winterthur and other stakeholders. In addition to jobs, residential space could also be created there, Allreal writes in a press release. As a real estate company with its own development and implementation expertise, Allreal believes it is "ideally positioned to fully exploit the great potential".

The value of the real estate portfolio of Allreal Holding AG, which is listed on the Six Swiss Exchange, amounts to around CHF 5.1 billion. In the 2023 financial year, the project volume handled by Realization amounted to around CHF 265 million. The real estate company employs 240 people in Zurich, Basel, Bern and Geneva. Allreal, with its operational headquarters in Glattpark, operates exclusively in Switzerland. (bw)

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