Wincasa appoints regional manager for center management

Ronny Hofmann has been promoted to the newly created position for Zurich, Eastern Switzerland and Ticino. He joined Wincasa in 2018 from a food retailer.

Ronny Hofmann (Image: Wincasa)

A new regional responsibility has been created in Wincasa's Center & Mixed-Use Site Management (CMSM) division. Ronny Hofmann will take up this position on May 1. The new region includes important properties in the Zurich area, eastern Switzerland and Ticino. Hofmann's area of responsibility includes the Prime Tower site, the Altenrhein site and the Sihlcity, Shopping Arena and Centro Lugano Sud centers.

Hofmann worked for Coop for 18 years and then joined Wincasa as a center manager in 2018. He later became Head of Zurich-Bern and Real Estate Area Director for CMSM Eastern Switzerland in 2022. He has completed numerous further training courses and holds an Executive MBA FH in General Management. (aw)

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