Halter AG builds up team for urban planning and architecture

The new competence center is intended to support coordination in the early planning phases. An experienced architect has been brought on board for this purpose.

 Kompetenz-Center Halter AG
Christof Glaus (Image: Halter AG)

Halter AG is setting up a new internal "Urban Design and Architecture" competence center from April 2024. The team will be led by Christof Glaus, former Senior Partner at Stücheli Architekten. His unit is directly affiliated with the CEO of Halter AG and will support the areas of developments, overall services and renovations in the early strategic phases of project development in the form of urban planning and architectural feasibility studies. "In addition, we can also offer our clients and project teams support in the design phase with approval issues and processes or in the engineering and production phase with regard to design quality assurance," Halter writes in a press release. Particular attention is paid to the topic of the circular economy.

"In Christof Glaus, we have gained a renowned urban planner and architect who has been responsible for many outstanding designs and their realization in his successful career," writes Halter. "With the internal 'Urban Planning and Architecture' team, we will be able to gain additional valuable insights, which are necessary for the transformation process towards a circular economy, even better and faster." (aw)


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