Werkstadt Zurich: Transforming in line with the climate

SBB is transforming the 42,000 m2 Werkstadt site into a lively urban space by 2035. The transformation includes climate-friendly construction approaches and an innovative energy concept from ewz.

Climate friendly construction
"SBB aims to be climate-neutral from 2030. Climate-compatible construction is an important building block in achieving this goal," says Gabriele Bühler, project manager at SBB. Various climate-compatible construction measures have been incorporated into the planning. For example, the layout of the new buildings will allow good circulation of cool air currents in the future as well. Where possible, roof water is infiltrated into an above-ground system and also serves cooling purposes. Sealed surfaces will be unsealed where possible. The transformation follows a systems approach that considers buildings over their entire life cycle. To ensure circularity, all building components are included on the Madaster platform. In addition, special attention is paid to the reuse of building components.

© SBB AG, Martin Zeller

Energy concept: 100% renewable
With a innovative energy solution ewz was able to win the SBB's public tender. Groundwater, which is collected in four wells on the site, serves as the source for heating and cooling. A dedicated energy network connects all the buildings and ensures an exchange of surplus energy between the groups of buildings. For example, heat or cold that is available in abundance in one building can be used in another.

© ewz

High self-consumption of solar power
ewz also plans, finances, builds and operates the transformer systems and the medium-voltage lines to supply the site with electrical energy. Part of the electricity consumed by the Werkstädter*innen is produced on site using photovoltaics. SBB obliges its tenants on the site to participate in a self-consumption association (ZEV). When completed, the ZEV will consist of around 300 parties who will use the locally produced electricity on site. This will enable a high self-consumption rate to be achieved, which will make a significant contribution to the economic viability of the photovoltaic systems.

© SBB AG, Martin Zeller

Advantages through contracting
For the owner, this form of cooperation has the advantage, among other things, that the financial risks and the expenses for management are very low. In a continuous process, the facilities are optimized and adapted to the effective needs of use until they consume as little energy and cost as possible and offer maximum comfort for the users.

The Zurich workshop is a successful example of the far-sighted conversion of a historic industrial site. Through the targeted renovation and expansion of the existing building and a pioneering energy concept, the client, together with the planners and ewz, creates added value for future users as well as for the environment.
Learn here more about the innovative energy concept of the Werkstadt site.

ewz with sites in Zurich | Sils (GR) | Prilly (VD)


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