Introduction of GARAIO REM at Privera in May 2023

Since May 2023, Privera has been the first nationally active real estate management company to work entirely on GARAIO REM. The foundations for the successful and consistent further development of the digitalization strategy launched several years ago are thus being further developed and expanded.

GARAIO REM Einführung

In order to meet the new requirements of all stakeholders, the need for faster and more stable data processing and a user-friendly interface, GARAIO REM AG has developed the next generation of a modern SaaS solution.

In 2019, Privera decided to launch the preliminary project for the introduction of GARAION REM. On October 1, 2020, the official decision was made to start the project to replace REM with GARAIO REM and integrate it into Privera's system landscape. In May 2023, the last of many steps in the implementation was taken and the major rollout took place. Since then, Privera has been the first nationally active real estate management company to fully rely on GARAIO REM for its management. As a pioneer, Privera is taking the step into the new generation of modern and contemporary software.

Staged introduction of GARAIO REM at Privera AG

Initialization Project start: 01.10.2020
Go Live first mandate: 01.01.2022
Go Live total mandates: 12.05.2023
Project end: 30.09.2023

What are the advantages of GARAIO REM?

GARIO REM supports Privera's platform and application strategy. It offers flexible further development options and simple integration capability for third-party products. It therefore supports Privera's digitalization strategy. GARAIO REM is operated on a high-performance, highly available and scalable cloud infrastructure. Stable operation can be ensured with comprehensive managed services.

What are the advantages of switching to the new SaaS (Software as a Service) solution?

"For the new GARAIO REM application, we are relying on a Microsoft Azure infrastructure from Switzerland. This gives us a wide range of options for scaling services within a very short space of time. Another big step is the switch to a web application and therefore no fixed installation on Privera's workstations. Thanks to the Swiss Azure solution, we can also meet all data protection requirements."
Julien Fiechter, Head of IT

"When I spoke to Robert, a sixty-year-old real estate accountant, shortly after the introduction of GARAIO REM and he told me about his use of GARAIO REM on four screens, I knew that the intensive project work of the past few years had paid off in full. Robert's joy was and is infectious."
Tristan Fasnacht, Head of Management

What challenges had to be overcome?

The management software is at the heart of real estate management. It is therefore essential for Privera to have software that enables the further development of management processes and the fulfillment of current and future customer expectations. In particular, it is important that the existing digital tenant communication and the digital letting process can be further optimized on this basis. In future, customers want to be provided with even more transparent, complete and timely information and data. GARAIO REM, as the most modern management software in the industry, Privera's own BI team and external partners will provide support here.

The huge investment of time made by employees in addition to their normal day-to-day work for the project has paid off!

Privera employees have invested over 4,000 working days in the implementation project since it began in October 2020. After carrying out smaller migrations in stages, the third and final main migration phase took place in May 2023. The course of the migration reflected the experience gained in the run-up to the project and yet it can be said that the last major rollout went much better than expected. Thanks to early and transparent communication with customers and partners, as well as good cooperation with external specialists, system problems were usually resolved within a very short time and operations were able to continue seamlessly.

"The most important thing from an internal perspective, however, is the feedback from our employees. They are very positive. The modern, clear design, the transparent illustrations, the efficient search options and the various evaluation options are very much appreciated." Privera AG

Following an external audit and certification of the data migration by KPMG, Privera can now successfully complete the project to introduce GARAIO REM in September 2023.


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