Hardturm Stadium: Halter and CS wave it off

Halter and CS Real Estate Investment Management will not participate in the investor competition for the Zurich Hardturm site. This was reported by the SRF program "Schweiz aktuell" even before the application deadline on November 6. It became known, however, that Losinger-Marazzi will participate in the competition together with Gemeinnützige Bau- und Mietergenossenschaft Zürich.

Wenig Interesse am Investorenwettbewerb für das Hardturm-Stadion
Little interest in the investor competition for the Hardturm Stadium

The city of Zurich had announced an investor competition at the end of September: On the 55,000 square meter Hardturm site, a private company is initially to build a soccer stadium with 18,000 seats for FCZ and GCZ. Furthermore, the private investor, who will receive the land with building rights, is to build a non-profit housing estate. In addition, he may also achieve an investor project on the site, which may include one or more high-rise buildings.

It has also recently come to light that the two football clubs have also set far-reaching targets. Among other things, the investor should pay the two clubs for the period until the stadium will be built, an annual contribution of 1.5 million CHF each.

Halter managing director Markus Mettler told "Schweiz aktuell" that in his view it was not realistic for the clubs to receive funding. "We looked at several models in detail and calculated them through," Mettler said. "We came to the conclusion that the issues of economic viability and urban development collide here like freight trains. We don't want to face that acid test." (ah)

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