Laying of the foundation stone for "sue&til" in Winterthur

On April 6, investor Allianz Suisse and developer Implenia laid the foundation stone for the "sue&til" residential and commercial development in Winterthur Neuhegi. This will be the largest timber construction project in Switzerland.

In Winterthur Neuhegi realisiert Implenia im Auftrag der Allianz Suisse Immoblien das dereinst grösste Holzbauwohnprojekt der Schweiz. (Bild: Soppelsa Architekten)
In Winterthur Neuhegi, Implenia is realizing what will be Switzerland's largest timber housing project on behalf of Allianz Suisse Immoblien. (Image: Soppelsa Architects)

With the ceremonial laying of the foundation stone, work has now officially started on the 17,800 sqm former Sulzer site in Winterthur's Neuhegi district. Implenia developed the project by the Weberbrunner Architekten and Soppelsa Architekten teams in cooperation with the city of Winterthur. Implenia's investor is Allianz Suisse, which acquired 260 apartments last year. This makes it the largest building project ever realized by the insurer as an investor.

The development with apartments and public-oriented first floor uses will be the largest timber construction residential project in Switzerland to date. "sue&til" will be realized according to the SIA energy efficiency path 2040. The first apartments are expected to be ready for occupancy in spring 2018. (ah)

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