Zurich: Spar branch next to Schauspielhaus

Within a few weeks, the Building Appeals Court has rejected two appeals against the planned Spar Express store in the complex of the Zurich Schauspielhaus. Provided no further appeals are received, nothing stands in the way of the store's conversion.

Kommt bald eine Spar-Filiale ins Zürcher Schauspielhaus? (Foto: Micha L. Rieser - Eigenes Werk, CC-BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons)
Will a Spar branch soon be coming to Zurich's Schauspielhaus? (Photo: Micha L. Rieser - Own work, CC-BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons)

Spar wants to set up a new branch in the vacant store next to the Zurich Schauspielhaus, offering everyday goods and a take-away service. A few weeks ago, the Building Appeals Court rejected an appeal by the Schauspielhaus against the plan, and now an appeal by the Bindella catering company has also been unsuccessful. Bindella operates a restaurant with a terrace in the courtyard of the Schauspielhaus building.

Bindella's objection was mainly directed against the planned recooler, which was not aesthetically convincing, made too much noise and led to more heat in the courtyard. However, the court did not agree with these arguments and dismissed the appeal. Bindella - like the Schauspielhaus - does not want to appeal the ruling to the administrative court.

At the end of 2013, McDonald's wanted to open a branch in the vacant restaurant on the corner of the Schauspielhaus, but this met with a lot of opposition from the public, especially theater-goers. The company eventually abandoned the project. In November 2015, the construction section of the city of Zurich approved the construction of a Spar Express branch. (ah)

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