Zurich: New hostel in Dörfli

The Langstars hostel at Langstrasse 120 in Zurich's Kreis 4 is closing. Instead, the operator is opening a new hostel in Niederdorf, in the premises of the former Hotel Otter.

Im Niederdorf eröffnet ein neues Hostel (Foto: Dietrich Michael Weidmann, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons)
A new hostel is opening in Niederdorf (Photo: Dietrich Michael Weidmann, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons)

Like 20 minutes reports that the rent of around 30,000 CHF per month for the building, which houses a hostel and a bar, was too high in the long term. The operator Lukas Hofstetter had therefore been looking around for another location for some time and had now found what he was looking for at Oberdorfstrasse 7.

Hofstetter plans to convert the former Hotel Otter into the Oldtown Hostel Otter in the next few weeks. As on Langstrasse, the new hostel will offer space for around 40 people, but there will now only be four-, two- and one-bed rooms. However, Hofstetter will not continue to run the desert bar at Oberdorfstrasse 7. The Oldtown Hostel Otter will be the second hostel in the Niederdorf next to the City Backpacker. (ah)

A tapas restaurant will move into the bar of the former Langstars Hostel from October 1. The rooms above are to be converted into an apartment hotel. (ah)

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