Limmattalbahn: Agreement with the municipality of Spreitenbach

During the planning approval process for the Limmattalbahn, the municipality of Spreitenbach submitted an objection to several aspects of the project. The two parties have now agreed on a settlement. This brings the construction permit for the project one step closer.

Die Linienführung der Limmattalbahn (Grafik: Limmattalbahn AG)
The route of the Limmattalbahn (graphic: Limmattalbahn AG)

In its objection of 10 December 2013, the municipality of Spreitenbach raised various points regarding the construction project and emphasized that the project already had a high level of planning. In order to remain involved in the process, the municipality nevertheless lodged an objection. A settlement was reached in several rounds of negotiations, meaning that the objection has been settled. According to Limmattalbahn AG, there will now be minor adjustments to the project.

In the meantime, Limmattalbahn AG is continuing to deal with the 229 objections to the overall project. Agreement has already been reached on around 160 objections. Around ten objections are still being processed and around 60 objections have been referred to the Federal Office of Transport. As soon as all objections have been resolved, the Federal Office of Transport will issue the planning approval decree granting planning permission for the Limmattalbahn. The federal funds for the project can then flow. (ah)

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