Rapperswil-Jona seeks investor for center development
Rapperswil-Jona is looking for a new solution for the property "Kreuz", located between the church and the townhouse in Jona. A new superstructure is planned.
Rapperswil-Jona is looking for a new solution for the property "Kreuz", located between the church and the townhouse in Jona. The building, which is mainly used for events, also includes a restaurant and eight hotel rooms.
According to a report by the Zurichsee-Zeitung the city is planning a new superstructure on the site. To this end, the 6,500 square meter site has been enlarged to over 8,000 square meters through the purchase of an adjacent property. The plan is to create an urban element that will serve as a landmark next to the train station and the Bühlpark development.
How the Zurichsee-Zeitung writes, the test planning envisages a development with two four- to five-story residential buildings arranged at right angles to St. Gallerstrasse so that a large square is created between them. A restaurant is to move into the first floor of one of the buildings. The hall for 800 people is planned as a one-story connecting wing.
In a next step, the city wants to look for investors who want to realize the project starting next spring. The city wants to give the land in building rights and rent back the hall if necessary. (ah)