"Valhalla" at the St. Gallen train station is being renovated
The "Valhalla" office and commercial building with the hotel of the same name in St. Gallen is undergoing extensive renovation. The owner of the property, Axa Winterthur, expects construction to start in mid-2018.

"Valhalla" has to be renovated because the majority of the building parts have reached their service life, Axa Winterthur says. The company has therefore given notice to all tenants and is in talks with them about successor and transitional solutions.
A long-term lease has already been signed with the operator of the "Walhalla" hotel, Candrian Hotel AG. This is because the hotel is also being extensively renovated and expanded. A new mid-range hotel with seminar rooms will be created, and the bed capacity will be doubled. In addition, the catering facilities on the first floor will be redesigned. After the renovation, office and practice rooms are planned in the south building.
Start of construction expected in mid-2018
The next step will be to prepare the building application, with the building application scheduled for mid-2017. The renovation project with a volume of over CHF 30 million will be realized together with the architectural firm Bollhalder Eberle from St. Gallen. Subject to any objections, Axa Winterthur expects construction to start in mid-2018 and the expanded and renovated hotel and restaurant operations to open in fall 2019.