Basel: Hotel for the Steinenvorstadt
A hotel is to be built in Basel's nightlife district, Steinenvorstadt. The plans are currently on file with the Building and Hospitality Inspectorate, and the deadline for objections is still running.
According to local media reports, the three buildings at Steinenvorstadt 42, 44 and 46 are to make way for a new building with hotel and restaurant use. The developer is Walter Bros. AG from Allschwil, which does not wish to comment publicly on the project at present.
According to the media reports, the hotel construction is based on a design by the architectural firm Diener & Diener. On the first floor there will be a restaurant with a partially open kitchen, which will seat more than 100 people. Five floors will house 36 hotel rooms. At 24 meters, the hotel will be significantly taller than the current buildings, but will be in keeping with the surrounding buildings.
Industry insiders expect the hotel to enhance and revitalize Steinenvorstadt.
Objections to the building application can still be submitted until March 10, 2017. If the building permit is granted, Walter Bros. AG intends to comment on its plans.