Köniz: Population votes in favour of centre buildings
The voters of Köniz approved the municipality's plans to densify the town center at the weekend.
The proposal to amend the building regulations for the planned Köniz Nord center was approved by a large majority of 8,880 votes in favour and 2,771 against. This clears the way for an urban development adjacent to the center of Köniz. According to the municipality, the plan is for mixed use in the residential, commercial, service and retail sectors. The project is expected to be realized in stages.
The Yes vote for the Rappentöri development, on the other hand, was much narrower: The proposal was approved with 5,885 yes votes to 5,707 no votes. The site is in a central location directly adjacent to Bläuackerplatz. The plans that emerged from a project competition envisage a dense development with mixed residential and commercial use instead of a Coop store. The municipal land is to be handed over to investors under building rights. This building lease agreement will then be put to the people again. Construction can begin from 2018 at the earliest.