Basel: Work on the Erlenmatt site is making progress

The new urban quarter on Erlenmatt in Kleinbasel is growing steadily. More than 1,400 apartments, a park, a school, two large city squares and a shopping center are being built.

The Erlenmatt site in Kleinbasel (Photo: Canton Basel-Stadt)

According to the canton of Basel-Stadt, the Max-Kämpf-Platz is currently being realized on the Erlenmatt site - as the next milestone on the way to a new urban quarter. Construction work is scheduled to begin in mid-2018, with the new neighborhood square to be inaugurated in summer 2019.

The Erlenmatt square with the grove of trees in front of the new Fossil Europe building has already been completed. Construction for the infrastructure building and the Trendsporthalle will then begin in spring 2018. From 2019, the Erlenmattplatz and the Trendsporthalle will be available for children and young people.

The northern part of the park will be occupied on the east side by a building of the Ziegler company by spring 2023 at the latest. The northwestern part of Erlenmatt Park, on the other hand, can now be completed. In spring 2019, the redesign or creation of the planned nature conservation zone is to be started. A direct footpath connection in the area of the Wiesenkreisel via Mauerstrasse to the meadow is also planned.

Residential development to open in 2019

A residential development with 317 apartments and a shopping center for everyday needs is being built on Plot A in the southeast of the site. Of the total sales area of just over 6,000 sqm, the Coop, the electronics store Fust and the Vitality pharmacy will occupy around 2,600 sqm. For the retail areas, 100 parking spaces are available to customers; 172 parking spaces are planned for the apartments. Losinger Marazzi is realizing the construction project. The opening is expected to take place in March 2019.

Several properties are already under construction on the Habitat Foundation's building sites and will be completed by the end of 2017. The property at Signalstrasse 23/25, for which the Habitat Foundation itself acted as builder, was handed over to the tenants Abilia and the "Bläsistift" crèche at the end of May 2017. Abilia provides assisted living and employment services for people with disabilities. In addition, twelve apartments, a community room and commercial space have been realized.

By mid-2019, the first phase of construction work - a total of ten properties with different developers - will be completed. Then over 200 apartments will have been created with space for around 500 residents.

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