Zurich: UBS expands "James" development
The UBS fund Sima will expand its "James" development in Zurich-Albisrieden. A neighboring office building will be converted for this purpose.

Like 20 minutes first reported, the eight-story office building at Anemonenstrasse 42 in Zurich-Albisrieden will be raised by one floor and converted into a residential property. A total of 72 apartments with one to three rooms are to be built. A corresponding construction tender was published in the Tagblatt of the City of Zurich published.
Because the property is located directly next to the "James" development, which also belongs to the UBS fund Sima, its infrastructure will also be used for the new apartments, according to the newspaper report.
The special feature of the residential concept is a concierge service for residents. UBS developed the concept in 2007 for the 284-apartment development on the former industrial site in Albisrieden, and "James" is now also available in Lausanne and Winterthur. According to UBS, further developments are planned in every major Swiss city.