Basel: Synthesis planning for Klybeckareal completed

On November 21, the planning partners for the development of the Klybecker site - BASF, Novartis and the Canton of Basel-Stadt - presented the results of the synthesis planning that has now been completed.

The Klybeckareal planning perimeter "klybeckplus" with adjacent green spaces, open spaces and streets (Image: Canton Basel-Stadt)

One important point: At least 50 percent of the approximately 300,000-square-meter site is to be used for residential purposes, and the proportion of affordable housing is to be at least 15 percent. Today, the Klybeckareal is hardly needed by BASF and Novartis for industrial production. The landowners therefore joined forces with the canton of Basel-Stadt in 2016 to jointly plan the future of this area of around 300,000 square meters. The broad belt between the Rhine and Wiese rivers is to be transformed into a diverse, mixed and networked urban neighborhood under the name "klybeckplus".

The synthesis planning has shown that the Klybeckplatz should become the center and hub of the quarter. To this end, attractive east-west connections between the meadow and the Rhine are to be created, according to a statement by the planning partners. The Rhine promenade is to be upgraded and the current industrial sites of BASF and Novartis are to be opened up. To provide green and open spaces, city and neighborhood squares with a high quality of stay are to be designed; in addition, open spaces close to the neighborhood are to be distributed throughout the planning perimeter.

The work now to be carried out for an overarching district master plan will be based on these and other results. For this purpose, in-depth studies will be carried out; among other things, the distribution of uses as well as the requirements for economic areas and school needs will be analyzed. The protectability of the buildings, which are also worth preserving in the interest of identity formation, must also be clarified.

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