Basel: CSA plans high-rise residential building on Horburgstrasse

The Credit Suisse investment foundation is planning to build a 17-story residential high-rise on Horburgstrasse. This had initially been reported by the blog

CSA wants to redensify the housing estate at Horburgplatz in Basel (Symbol image: mmaxer - depositphotos)

Like writesCredit Suisse Anlagestiftung (CSA) wants to increase the density of its housing estate on Horburgplatz. The plot has a floor area of around 15,000 square meters and is located in the immediate vicinity of the Klybeck site. A new district is to be built there in the next few years.

According to the blog post, the architectural competition for the project at Horburgplatz was won by Buchner Bründler Architekten from Basel. Architect Andreas Bründler had posted initial images of the project on Instagram, but they have since been deleted. He said the building volume consists of a three-story base along Horburgstrasse. At Horburgplatz, the head building rises to a 17-story high-rise, it says on

Opposite the Basler Zeitung (BZ) Herbert Meier, who is managing the project for Credit Suisse Real Estate, confirmed that a competition had been held together with the city of Basel because the site had development potential. The winning project envisages two high-rise residential buildings connected by a low-rise structure. The existing, listed building fabric would be fully preserved, said Meier, who at the same time regretted that the information had already been spread via social media. "We would have been very happy to inform the tenants in advance and will also inform the public in due course," he told the BZ. The cost of the superstructure is expected to be in the mid, double-digit millions.

More detailed information was not provided. However, the plot that is to be built over is located in a zone that permits development with a maximum of five full stories. Therefore, a development plan will be required for the high-rise project.

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