Lucerne creates conditions for population growth

Lucerne is currently dealing with the question of how the city should develop spatially in order to cope with the expected population growth. The public consultation on the draft of a spatial development concept will be held until February 6.

The city of Lucerne will grow by 18 percent by 2035 (Photo: olgysha - depositphotos)

The canton of Lucerne expects the population of the city of Lucerne to grow by 14,000 people or 18 percent by 2035. In 2035, the city would thus have around 96,000 inhabitants. At the same time, jobs in the city are also expected to grow to the same extent, because the current ratio of one job per inhabitant is to be maintained.

If all possibilities in the currently valid building and zoning ordinances (BZO) were exhausted, the city could grow from 82,000 people today to 93,000, the city council informs. With the planned merger of the two BZO of the districts of Littau and Lucerne, there would therefore still be a potential for an additional 3,000 inhabitants. The city council wants to realize this growth primarily with internal densification: Where it makes sense and is compatible, it should be possible to build more densely and, if necessary, higher in the case of renewals, it says.

The spatial development concept pursues several goals: A diverse range of housing and attractive jobs for different qualifications are to be created, according to the city council. The settlement development must meet high urban planning, architectural and energy requirements, and the specific qualities and characteristics of the neighborhoods are to be preserved and strengthened. In connection with the desired densification, it is also central that the city has versatile and attractive open spaces at its disposal, the statement continues. Within the city, distances should be short and walking and driving times should be short.

Mobility must also keep pace with spatial growth - to this end, area-efficient means of transport such as public transport as well as pedestrian and bicycle traffic are to be promoted. The city council is therefore revising the mobility strategy in parallel with the spatial development concept. Both are expected to be discussed by the City Council at the end of June 2018.

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