Basel: 369 new apartments were built in 2017

Last year, 369 new apartments were built in the canton of Basel-Stadt. This is according to the residential construction statistics of the Statistical Office. An increase of a similar magnitude is expected for the coming years.

In Basel, about 370 new apartments were built in 2017 (Photo: .shock - depositphotos)

At 369 units, new construction output in 2017 was slightly down on the previous year's figure of 412 new residential units, but roughly in line with the average for the past ten years (378). Two-thirds of all new housing units were built in three larger developments. Just under 1,300 logis are currently under construction, and around 500 further units have been granted planning permission.

At 37 percent, housing cooperatives accounted for a comparatively high share of new construction production in 2017. 24 percent was commissioned by a company in the real estate sector and 17 percent by an insurance company. Every second new apartment was built in Riehen, 28 percent in Grossbasel and 22 percent in Kleinbasel. The majority are two- to four-room apartments, and the average living space of the newly built logis is 94 square meters.

In view of these figures, the government council sees its support for housing cooperatives confirmed: In addition to the current high construction output, numerous cooperative apartments will also be built in the coming years. On the Schorenareal, on Riehenring, on Burgfelderstrasse and on Westfeld (formerly Felix Platter-Areal), around 800 cooperative apartments are geolabeled.

In order to cope with the targeted population growth of 20,000 additional residents by 2035, the canton of Basel-Stadt intends to create new living space, in particular through site developments, for example on Walkeweg, on the Lysbüchel site with the "VoltaNord" project, on the Klybeck industrial site under the name "Klybeckplus" and on the Dreispitz site.

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