Berg: Brickworks site becomes residential quarter

The seven-hectare site of the Brauchli brickworks in Berg (TG) is being redeveloped into a residential quarter. The master plan for the large-scale project is to be presented this spring.

Aerial view of the Brauchli brickyard site in Berg (© Raumgleiter AG)

The landowner Brauchli Ziegelei and the real estate developer and total contractor Losinger Marazzi are responsible for the conversion of the site. Losinger Marazzi has carried out a market and location analysis for the brickworks site and has recently focused on issues relating to the mix of uses. The company also had a name and image developed for the future part of the village - it will be called Ziegeleiquartier.

The site is to be developed in several stages with various high-quality and at the same time affordable forms of housing as well as commercial space. According to those responsible, "a diverse range of services and public meeting places" are planned. "For example, we envision uses from the healthcare sector, a shopping facility and a café," says Laura Heech, project developer at Losinger Marazzi. The brickyard will continue to serve as a production facility.

The master plan for the brickworks district is scheduled for spring 2018. The design plan is expected to be available in 2019, according to Losinger Marazzi and Brauchli Brickworks. Construction for the first stage of the Brickworks Quarter could begin in 2021.

The master plan is the responsibility of the well-known Zurich-based architecture and planning firm KCAP Architects & Planners together with the Viennese landscape architecture team YEWO Landscapes. Herzog & de Meuron is no longer involved. The renowned Basel-based architecture firm had developed an initial master plan in 2015/2016. "After the market and site analysis carried out in 2017 necessitated fundamental changes to the plan, Herzog & de Meuron decided to no longer participate in the development of the project," Losinger Marazzi and Brauchli Brickworks announce.

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