Kriens: Study contract for Pilatus Arena decided

The planning team Giuliani Hönger Architekten from Zurich has won the study contract for the new Pilatus Arena including the associated superstructure.

Pilatus Arena
Giuliani Hönger have won the study contract for the Pilatus Arena in Kriens (Source: Pilatus Arena AG)

On the Mattenhof II site in Kriens, a new sports and event hall for 4,000 spectators is to be built in the form of the Pilatus Arena. In order to finance the hall and the land - in addition to contributions from the federal government and the canton of Lucerne - the construction of 350 rental and owner-occupied apartments and 2,000 square meters of commercial space is necessary. To this end, the architects of the Giuliani Hönger firm are proposing two high-rise residential buildings on the relatively narrow, 13,000-square-meter site: The buildings are to be 50.3 and 103.6 meters high.

The project requires - also due to the planned high-rise buildings - an adjustment of the zoning plan by the residents' council. There will be public participation and a development plan will be drawn up. In addition, there are possibilities for objections and an optional referendum. As soon as the legally binding building permit has been issued, the right to purchase the site agreed with the City of Lucerne will be exercised. Pilatus Arena AG plans to break ground in 2019 or 2020.

Behind the Pilatus Arena AG project company are the two co-investors Helvetia Insurance and Eberli Sarnen. According to current estimates, the total investment amounts to over CHF 200 million. Around CHF 35 million of this is for the arena.

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