Lokstadt Winterthur: SWICA becomes anchor tenant, ZHAW withdraws

The Winterthur healthcare organization SWICA is to become the new anchor tenant in the "Elefant" building in Lokstadt in Winterthur. Previously, the ZHAW had decided not to move to the location after all.

The "Elefant" house in Lokstadt is being built behind a listed façade (visualization: Implenia)

Actually, the Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW was to become the main tenant in Lokstadt (formerly Plant 1) on the Sulzer site in Winterthur. Among other things, the rector's office, lecture halls, sports facilities and a cafeteria were planned there - in total, the ZHAW was to occupy around one third of the space in Lokstadt. But the canton of Zurich ultimately decided against the location.

Implenia has now found a replacement for at least part of the space in SWICA: The healthcare organization will use around 5,000 sqm and thus around half of the office space in the "Elefant" office building. The building will be constructed directly on Zürcherstrasse behind a listed facade.

Construction work is scheduled to start in 2020 and last until 2022, according to Implenia. The architectural competition for the project and for the "Bigboy" high-rise residential building is currently still underway. The projects are expected to be judged in July 2018 in collaboration with the city of Winterthur. SWICA is the investor in the high-rise residential building and is developing the project together with Implenia.

According to Implenia, all 56 condominiums in the "Krokodil" building have been sold within a few weeks. In addition to the apartments, non-profit and sustainable space for living and working is being created in the building, which Implenia is constructing together with two Winterthur cooperatives and an investment foundation. The foundation stone will be laid in summer 2018. The "Crocodile" is the first building in Lokstadt.

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