Bern: Fewer vacant apartments and commercial premises

On the reporting date of June 1, 2018, only 350 apartments were vacant in the city of Bern. The vacancy rate is therefore 0.45 percent. The vacancy rate for commercial space also fell.

In Bern, the vacancy rate for residential and commercial real estate is falling (Image: Pixabay)

Compared with the previous year, the vacancy rate fell by 0.12 percentage points, and the number of vacant apartments decreased from 440 to 350. The number of vacant commercial premises fell by 38 year-on-year to 212, and a total of 98,000 sqm of space is vacant, 15,000 sqm less than last year. This is shown by the latest counts of vacant apartments and workspaces by Statistik Stadt Bern.

Most vacant apartments are in the district of Bümpliz-Oberbottigen with 100 apartments (vacancy rate: 0.58%), followed by the district of Mattenhof-Weissenbühl with 77 apartments (0.44%). The Kirchenfeld-Schosshalde district follows with 72 vacant apartments (0.52%). The fewest vacant apartments are in the Breitenrain-Lorraine district with 53 apartments (0.36%), Länggasse-Felsenau with 26 apartments (0.24%) and Innere Stadt with 22 apartments (0.75%).

The vacancy rate mainly affects older buildings: 118 of the 350 vacant apartments were built before 1947, 208 were built between 1947 and 2015. 24 vacant apartments were recorded in buildings built in 2016 or later.

The count of vacant workspaces in the city of Bern showed that 212 business premises (previous year 250) with a total area of 97,552 sqm (previous year 112,874 sqm) were vacant on June 1, 2018. 120 to the category of "office and practice premises" with a total area of 60,474 sqm, 13 vacant premises are "sales premises" with a total area of 2,942 sqm. A total of 19 retail spaces (3,463 sq. ft.) were already leased to a date after the reporting date. Six locations with particularly large vacancies of 3,000 sq. ft. or more account for more than half of the total vacancies in the employment sector.

According to the census, the Kirchenfeld-Schosshalde district has the largest total amount of vacant workspace at 52,891 sqm, followed by Mattenhof-Weissenbühl at 20,253 sqm, Bümpliz-Oberbottigen at 15,024 sqm, Innere Stadt at 4,474 sqm and Breitenrain-Lorraine at 3,413 sqm. In the Länggasse-Felsenau district, 1,497 sqm are reportedly vacant.

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