Lucerne: SBL builds apartments at Hochhüsliweid
SBL Wohnbaugenossenschaft Luzern will build a low-carbon housing estate with 88 apartments on the Hochhüsliweid site.

The Lucerne City Council awarded the contract for the site to SBL Wohnbaugenossenschaft Luzern because the cooperative had developed a well thought-out and convincing overall concept that addressed the qualities of the site and the needs from the neighborhood, the city of Lucerne says.
The site at Hochhüsliweid was put out to tender in June 2018. SBL Wohnbaugenossenschaft Luzern and Logis Suisse, based in Baden, took part in the tender. According to the city of Lucerne, the SBL bid won the contract because it was more in line with the qualities of the site and the needs of the neighborhood and better met the criteria of the tender.
The development will include 88 apartments; in addition to 300 covered bicycle parking spaces and only 73 car parking spaces, supplementary mobility services will be created to make living without a car attractive.
The Grand City Council is expected to decide on January 31, 2019, on the levy under building law. SBL Wohnbaugenossenschaft Luzern plans to hold an architectural competition in 2019. If everything goes according to plan, the apartments can be occupied in spring 2024. (ah)