Zurich: Groundbreaking ceremony for new ZSC Lions arena
After eight years of planning and approval, the groundbreaking ceremony for the ZSC Lions' new ice hockey and sports arena was celebrated in Zurich-Altstetten.

The final building decision is not yet legally binding, but a provisional building permit has been issued, according to ZSC Lion Arena Immobilien and HRS Real Estate. Construction work on the arena is scheduled to begin after the conclusion of the current appeal and the parallel reconsideration proceedings. The plan is to open the Swiss Life Arena in June 2022.
The building is being constructed according to the plans of the Caruso St. John architectural firm, which won the competition in 2013. HRS Real Estate has been commissioned with the construction work; the company was awarded the contract in summer 2018 as part of a TU tender. According to earlier information, the investment costs for the new building total CHF 169 million. (ah)
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