Zurich: Foundation stone laid for hotel building in Greencity
In Zurich's new Greencity district, the foundation stone was laid for the seven-story Ingres hotel building. At the same time, an anchor tenant has been secured for an office building.

In the seven-story Ingres building, designed by the renowned Zurich architectural firm Gigon/Guyer, the Meininger hotel group will operate a hotel with 174 rooms and around 580 beds. It is scheduled to open in the first half of 2021. The hotel will have double rooms, private shared rooms and beds in shared dormitories and is thus expected to appeal to a wide range of target groups.
In addition to the hotel, Ingres will also include around 3,500 sqm of office space. The owner of the building is Credit Suisse Investment Foundation, which has already acquired both office and a residential building in Greencity.
Crealogix rents in Pergamin I
Meanwhile, developer Losinger Marazzi announced an anchor tenant for the Pergamin I office building. Listed software company Crealogix will occupy the top three of the total eleven floors from 2021. Crealogix has leased 3,800 sqm and will relocate its headquarters with around 200 employees to Greencity.
According to Losinger Marazzi, this means that a total of more than 50% of the Greencity Offices space has already been leased. The anchor tenant of the Pergamin II building has also already been determined: The Organization of the Health Work Environment Zurich (OdA-G-ZH) will move into 7,250 sqm - or around 60% of the space - and operate a course center there. (ah)