Zurich: Leutschenbach housing estate can be built

On May 19, Zurich voters gave the green light for the new housing estate in the Leutschenbach district. Around 400 apartments are being built.

The inner courtyard of the planned development in Leutschenbach (Visualization: Andreas Feurer Architektur)

The city of Zurich is planning a new housing estate in Leutschenbach with apartments, kindergartens and space for services and commerce. The voters have approved the loan for the project, bringing its realization closer.

The new residential development is being built on the former Heineken site and the adjacent Heliwiese meadow in Leutschenbach-Mitte and envisages two U-shaped main buildings with a large inner courtyard. The inner courtyard will house studios, a large communal space and areas for playing and socializing.

The residential mix comprises 349 two- to six-and-a-half-room apartments and nine large apartments, two cluster apartments, eleven two-storey residential studios and 41 rooms for rent. The first floors of the buildings are intended for public use by commercial and service businesses. The first residents should be able to move in in 2023.

The project emerged from an architectural competition in 2015, which was won by Zurich-based Clou Architekten and Atelier Oriri Landschaftsarchitekten from Kehrsiten. The costs are estimated at around CHF 213 million. (ah)

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