SBB plans new plant in Bellinzona
SBB is building a new plant in Bellinzona; a total of CHF 360 million will be invested. It is scheduled to open in 2026.

The new plant will be the "most modern, efficient and powerful" in Europe, capable of carrying out work on all types of rolling stock, SBB said at the presentation of the industrial plan. SBB, the canton of Ticino and the city of Bellinzona are jointly investing CHF 360 million in the project.
According to current plans, the new SBB plant will have a maximum area of around 145,000 sqm and will extend for more than one kilometer from north to south. The maximum built-up area of around 50,000 sqm includes a factory hall with long tracks. An area of 6,500 sqm is planned for projects, over 8,000 sqm for component processing and around 8,500 sqm for logistics, SBB says.
The new plant should be able to adapt to changing framework, market and competitive conditions and will not only be used internally by SBB, but will also be open to third markets, the statement continues.
The preliminary project will be drawn up by 2022, followed by the planning approval process and land acquisition. Construction work on the new plant is expected to start in 2023 and last until 2026. The site is then to be put into operation. (ah)