Rheinfelden: Haus Schützen is being renovated

The historic Haus Schützen in Rheinfelden (AG), which houses a hotel and a clinic, is currently being renovated.

The Schützen house in Rheinfelden (Photo: Schützen Rheinfelden AG)

Schützen Rheinfelden Immobilien AG began modernising Haus Schützen in August. The 150-year-old building is to be upgraded by the beginning of 2021, the company announced back in May. The building houses a hotel and a clinic. During the modernisation, the patients of two of the six clinic departments will use the rooms of the Hotel Schiff, which also belongs to Schützen Rheinfelden Immobilien AG.

According to a report by the Badische Zeitung the company is investing around CHF 18 million in the building with its more than 200 rooms and 5,450 sqm of floor space. The hotel and clinic rooms are small and must meet the future requirements of the guests of a three-star hotel and a private clinic, respectively, Chris Leemann, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, told the newspaper. The building services will be renewed and the building will be connected to district heating. (ah)

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