Bern: 100 new apartments on Reichenbachstrasse

The city of Bern wants to build a residential complex with 104 affordable rental apartments at Reichenbachstrasse 118.

The city of Bern is planning a residential development on Reichenbachstrasse (Image: bloodua - depositphotos)

A residential development is to be built on the city-owned property of the former Engeried nursing school at Reichenbachstrasse 118. To this end, the municipal council has submitted a building loan of CHF 57.1 million to the city council for approval by the voters.

Four buildings are planned: one seven-story, one six-story and two four-story buildings are grouped around a common courtyard. The buildings will be designed to be barrier-free and will include 102 2.5- to 5.5-room apartments. Family housing will make up more than 50% of the housing mix, and two larger cluster apartments are also planned. According to the City of Bern, just under a quarter will be realized as "Low-cost housing with rental criteria (GüWR)", the rest as affordable housing.

Furthermore, the superstructure is to be certified as a 2,000-watt site and equipped with geothermal probes, heat pumps and photovoltaic systems. Two buildings will be realized as plus-energy houses. Only around 40 car parking spaces are planned for the 104 residential units, and tenants will have access to a mobility service with e-cars and e-bikes. There will be 375 bicycle parking spaces.

If the city council approves the construction loan, the deal is expected to go to referendum on May 17, 2020. Construction work could start in August 2020 and is expected to last until spring 2023. (ah)

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