Basel: Nauentor redevelopment is one step ahead

17 objections have been received against the Nauentor development at the SBB railroad station in Basel. The Government Council is asking the Grand Council to reject them.

Illustration of the planned Nauentor development (Source: Swiss Post Real Estate, SBB)

The vacant Postreiter building at SBB station is to be converted into the Nauentor. The planning consortium of Post Finance and SBB is planning a new development in which the existing supporting structure above the tracks will be used as a base. Three high-rise buildings are to be built; the superstructure will create a total of 50,000 m² to 80,000 m² of work space and living space for around 600 people.

According to the new development plan, the base with the parking lot on the second floor will be extended by three new storeys. Three high-rise buildings with a maximum height of 89 meters are to be built on top of this. A new pedestrian connection will be created in the base area above the track field, flanked by courtyards with restaurants and retail outlets.

The project requires, among other things, a zoning change, an amendment to the residential share plan, a development plan and changes to building and road lines.

All 17 objections to be rejected

According to the canton of Basel-Stadt, 17 objections to the development plan have been received. The majority were directed against the publicly accessible main road, which is only intended for pedestrians and does not represent a fast connection for cyclists. Another issue was the creation of sufficient bicycle parking spaces. According to the government council, 400 new public bicycle parking spaces are planned, as well as reserve areas for a maximum of 400 more.

The project contributes to an urban connection between Nauenstrasse and Solothurnerstrasse and creates an attractive pedestrian link between the districts, according to the Basel cantonal government. The current unfinished urban development situation opposite the Gundeldinger quarter will be clarified. The cantonal government is therefore asking the Grand Council to reject the objections.

If the Grand Council gives its approval, a variance procedure for the actual construction project can begin. The development could be realized from 2023; occupation would probably be possible from the end of 2029. (ah)

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