Muttenz: Canton approves planning for major Hagnau/Schänzli project
The government council of the Canton of Basel-Landschaft has approved the municipal resolution on the Hagnau/Schänzli neighborhood planning with conditions and amendments. However, an appeal has been received against this decision.

The Hagnau East, Hagnau West and Schänzli neighborhood plan regulations envisage six high-rise buildings with a broad mix of uses on the Hagnau sites. Specifically, according to earlier information, a total of around 630 apartments with a total GFA of 63,000 sqm are to be built. Furthermore, according to the original planning, 28,000 sqm are planned for commercial use, including a maximum of 2,000 sqm of net retail space. In total, space for 700 workplaces is to be created. The Schänzli site, on the other hand, is to remain undeveloped and be transformed into a nature, leisure and local recreation area with a revitalized Birs river.
The Muttenz municipal assembly approved the planning in June 2018, and the government council of the Canton of Basel-Landschaft approved these neighborhood plan regulations with conditions and amendments on February 11, 2020. According to the municipality, the conditions mainly concern the development and mobility planning of the Hagnau sites.
However, it is still unclear when exactly the planning for the large-scale development can be implemented. According to the municipality of Muttenz, the cantonal court has received an appeal against the decision of the government council. As a result, the building application procedure for the Hagnau Ost site could be delayed, and the further procedure will be communicated after the decision of the cantonal court. Due to the different land ownership conditions and building law contract conditions on the Hagnau West site, the project development and implementation there would take place in stages over the next few years or decades anyway. For the Schänzli, the municipality is currently working on the concrete project. Ideally, this would be implemented at the same time as the construction stages on the Hagnau sites. (ah)