Zurich: New restaurant in Niederdorf

The municipal restaurant at Niederdorfstrasse 31 will have a new tenant starting in the fall. The city of Zurich had put the restaurant out to tender for a new tenant.

Zurich (Image: Albinfo, Public domain, Wikimedia Commons)

Matteo Trivisano, who runs the restaurant "Frisk Fisk" in Winterthur and is managing director of Frisk Fisk Trivisano GmbH, is expanding to Zurich and will take over the restaurant "Mohrenkopf" at Niederdorfstrasse 31 this fall. Liegenschaften Stadt Zürich had put the restaurant up for re-letting at the end of 2019 and selected Trivisano from among 21 applicants.

The gastronomic concept centers on variations of smoked salmon and other dishes related to the sea, such as moules or bouillabaisse. Another focus is on vegetarian dishes. According to the city of Zurich, "Frisk Fisk" is expected to open in September and will be open seven days a week, from morning to evening. (ah)

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