Basel: Access to property information free of charge in future
The canton of Basel-Stadt makes the most important information on land in the canton available free of charge via an online portal.
According to the Basel-Stadt Department of Construction and Transport, the cadastre of public-law restrictions on landownership (PLR-cadastre) now contains up-to-date information on every plot of land in the canton. Cadastral Portal can be called up. The new PLR-cadastre contains public-law restrictions on landownership in the areas of spatial planning, noise, forests, groundwater protection, polluted sites, railways, national roads and airports, as well as planned changes. For example, current zoning plan changes are also visible. The new PLR-cadastre thus complements the cantonal land register.
According to the Department of Construction and Transport, the cadastral extract for a plot of land can be downloaded free of charge via the portal and supplemented with additional information for building applications, such as a site plan and other information that is crucial in the context of the building permit procedure, e.g. information on the inventory of monuments. From 5 May 2020, the excerpt will replace the situational information previously required in the building permit procedure, which was subject to a fee. (ah)