Statistics on Swiss cities 2020: agglomerations are growing

The residential population is growing primarily in urban areas. According to this year's edition of the "Statistics of Swiss Cities", around three quarters of Switzerland's population live in the 49 agglomerations and their core cities.

Around three quarters of the Swiss population now live in the 49 agglomerations (Image: PD)

According to the survey, the number of agglomerations in Switzerland has doubled since the middle of the last century: in 1950, there were 24 agglomerations, home to 2.1 million people (45% of the Swiss resident population); today, there are 49. These areas are home to 73% of the more than 8.5 million people who live in Switzerland.

Especially since the turn of the millennium, the agglomerations have grown and, with an increase of 17.7%, have slightly exceeded the overall Swiss population growth of 17.2%, the current edition of the "Statistics of Swiss Cities" continues. In addition, according to the data, almost three quarters (72.6%) of all workplaces are located there. The Zurich agglomeration alone accounts for one sixth of all Swiss workplaces. Most of these are third-sector jobs.

According to the survey, a total of more than 3.2 million apartments are available for the approximately 6.2 million inhabitants living in the agglomerations, or 70.7% of all apartments in Switzerland. Between 2000 and 2009, the largest construction additions of apartments were recorded by agglomerations with more than 500,000 inhabitants, and between 2010 and 2017, the three largest agglomerations, Zurich, Geneva and Basel, also ranked at the top in this respect. Between 2000 and 2017, roughly the same number of apartments were built in the five largest agglomerations alone as in the rest of Switzerland. (ah)

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