The HSL Fund buys up in the canton of Solothurn
The Helvetica Swiss Living Fund (HSL Fund) acquires three apartment buildings in Oberbuchsiten (SO). The fund volume thus grows to just under CHF 100 million.
According to a Helvetica statement, the three properties are within walking distance of Oberbuchsiten train station and are very well served by both public and private transport. The market value of the "practically fully leased" properties, which were built in 2013, is around CHF 11.5 million, it added. The annual target rental income is put at around 0.5 million per year. The properties will be taken over retroactively to May 1, 2020 and integrated into the fund portfolio.
With this latest acquisition, HSL Fund holds a total of 242 apartments, according to Helvetica. Annualized rental income is 4.6 million per year. The externally determined market value of the fund's properties reaches a value of 99.8 million after the latest acquisition, it adds.
With a fund volume of around 100 million achieved after only six months, the HSL Fund has got off to a good start in a competitive market environment, says Helvetica. The acquisition pipeline is well filled with a volume of around 200 million. Further acquisitions, some of which are already in the final phase of negotiations, are expected shortly. For the second half of 2020, a second capital increase is being considered, Helvetica further announces. This is intended to further diversify the portfolio in terms of property size, location and tenants. (ah)