Bern: Immofonds plans site development in Wankdorf City
Immofonds wants to convert the Wankdorfcity 3 commercial site into a residential and work quarter.
Immofonds has announced its intention to build a mixed-use development on the Wankdorfcity3 site, currently a commercial area. The fund is acting as the building lease holder, and the building lease provider is the Burgergemeinde Bern. According to Immofonds, a planning agreement has been signed with the city of Bern and an initial test planning has been carried out.
The Wankdorfcity 3 site development is the final stage of the overall Wankdorf City development. The planned development is intended to become an urban living and working quarter and to complement the already built-up areas in Wankdorf City.
According to the Immofonds, the plan is for mixed-use development appropriate to the location, with a residential share of 40% to 50% in various price and supply segments and at least 50% of office or commercial space of a high urban planning and architectural quality. In total, the current master plan allows a maximum gross floor area of approximately 100,000 square meters for the site.
The Immofonds has carried out a test planning with three interdisciplinary teams. According to the fund, this showed that a high-quality settlement development with the desired floor space and types of use could be quickly implemented within the framework of the planning law requirements. Based on the test planning, an urban development concept is now to be developed. The realization of the project can begin at the beginning of 2023 at the earliest. (ah)