Berne: Competition for Wankdorf neighbourhood town begins

An area of around 50,000 sqm in the northern district of Bern is to be built over and turned into Quartierstadt Wankdorf. The prequalification for a study contract has begun.

An area in Bern's northern quarter is to become the Quartierstadt Wankdorf (Image: pressmaster - depositphotos)

The site to be redeveloped is located between the SBB tracks, Wankdorffeldstrasse and Stauffacherstrasse - in the immediate vicinity of Wankdorf station. The cantonal structure plan ESP Wankdorf 2030 designates the area as a "significant (new) restructuring area with substantial potential", and the urban development concept of the city of Bern STEK 2016 lists the area as a so-called "Chantier", i.e. a central area for internal development and restructuring. According to the 2016 Urban Development Concept, the chantier on Wankdorffeldstrasse is suitable for residential uses, supplemented by office uses.

As a first step towards site planning, on 24 July 2020 the developers invited tenders for a study contract in accordance with SIA. Five to seven interdisciplinary planning teams are to be invited to take part in the urban development studies, and they are to come up with different ideas for the future development of the site. In addition to the form of development and use, ideas are also being sought for accessibility, social mix, sustainable mobility and climate protection measures. The results of the study will serve as the basis for further planning of the site.

The landlord of the site is the Burgergemeinde Bern (Bern civic community), while the building owners and leaseholders are Alb. Wahlen AG from Berne, Halter AG, Genossenschaft Migros Aare, W. Hess AG, Axa and Gebäudeversicherung Bern. (ah)

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