Roche plans third office tower in Basel
The Roche pharmaceutical group has revised the plans for the modernization of its south site in Basel. Among other things, a third office tower is to be built.

Roche is fundamentally redesigning the south site on Grenzacherstrasse in Basel because the current dense and small-scale development no longer meets today's requirements. From 2023, when the new research and development center on the north site is ready for occupancy, all buildings on the south site - with the exception of the new high-rise Building 1 and the historic administration building Building 21 - are to be demolished.
The plans for the redesign of the site have been "further developed" with the Basel architects Herzog & de Meuron, Roche says. The old laboratory buildings on Solitudepromenade will be replaced by a large green and open area with a loose development. A reception building and a high-rise office building are to be built in the park. According to the pharmaceutical company, the new office building will be based on the height and shape of the existing Bau 1 and Bau 2 buildings and will complement them architecturally in an optimal way. The maximum height possible would be 221 meters. The three stepped high-rise buildings are to form the center of the site in the future. Next to the buildings, an underground parking garage with charging infrastructure for e-bikes and e-cars is planned.
"The updated vision for the expansion of the Südareal presented today offers us the opportunity to reconcile the construction of modern workplaces with a substantial expansion of the green space on the banks of the Rhine and the redesign of the Solitudepromenade" says Jürg Erismann, Site Manager Basel/Kaiseraugst. (ah)