Pratteln: Deconstruction of the Rohner site will be cheaper for Hiag
The site developer Hiag Immobilien Holding can significantly reduce the costs for the deconstruction of the Rohner site in Pratteln (BL).

According to Hiag Immobilien Holding AG, the total expenditure for the deconstruction of the 32,000 sqm Rohner site near the railroad station in Pratteln has been significantly reduced compared to original expectations. This has been achieved with operational measures and the sale of a complete production plant including building. According to Hiag, the price of the plant is in the mid single-digit million range; the buyer is an internationally active chemical company.
According to Hiag Managing Director Marco Feusi, the effective dismantling costs will be "substantially below the amount of CHF 30 million set aside as of the end of 2019". In addition, the proceeds from the sale of the production plant will have a slightly positive impact on the company's result this year and next year.
The deconstruction of the Rohner site is to be completed next summer. Hiag then intends to develop the centrally located site into a mixed-use district.