Reinach/Aesch: Building application for Stöcklin site submitted
HRS Real Estate has submitted the building application for the Aere residential development, which is to be built on the Stöcklin site in the municipalities of Reinach and Aesch (BL).

The former industrial site of the Stöcklin company belongs to HRS Investment AG, the real estate investment foundation Turidomus and the care provider Senevita. A quarter with apartments, services and commerce is to be built on the 35,000 sqm site directly on the River Birs and within walking distance of the historic centre of Dornachbrugg.
Three residential towers are planned. HRS plans to build around 120 condominiums in two of these high-rises. Turidomus wants to rent out around 140 apartments as well as service and commercial space. On another part of the site, Senevita is planning a retirement and nursing home. The buildings for Turidomus and Senevita are also being developed, planned and realised by HRS.
As HRS Real Estate announced on 9 December 2020, the planning application was submitted at the beginning of December; the official publication is to follow in a few days. (ah)