Aarau: APK buys Hotel Aarauerhof and plans new building

According to local media reports, the Aargauische Pensionskasse APK has acquired the Sorell Hotel Aarauerhof on Bahnhofplatz in Aarau. It is to make way for a new building.

Aarau (Image: Freaktalius, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons)

Originally, the ZFV companies from Zurich wanted to demolish the centrally located, approximately 50-year-old Hotel Aarauerhof and build a new one. A new building with a rooftop restaurant was planned for around CHF 30 million. However, due to the Corona pandemic and its economic impact, ZFV-Unternehmungen abandoned these plans and put the hotel up for sale in September 2020.

How the Aargauer newspaper reportsThere were many interested parties for the building in a prime location on Bahnhofplatz, but the Aargauische Pensionskasse (APK) won the bid shortly before Christmas. The APK now wants to develop a new building project and realize it as quickly as possible, although construction could start in 2022 at the earliest, the report continues.

A hotel is not planned; instead, the first floor of the building directly next to the Aarau train station will have a public-intensive offering with stores and restaurants. Offices, small apartments and possibly seminar rooms are planned for the floors above. The APK could possibly use some of the offices itself; it currently rents space on Hintere Bahnhofstrasse with its nearly 40 employees. (ah)

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