Digitec Galaxus plans logistics centre in Utzenstorf
On the site of the former paper mill in Utzenstorf (BE), Migros subsidiary Digitec Galaxus wants to build a new operations building. A parcel center for Swiss Post is also planned.

According to Migros Aare, the owner of the site, the second distribution and service center for the online subsidiary Digitec Galaxus after Wohlen is to be built on the site. According to Migros, the steadily growing online trade, which has once again increased at an above-average rate in 2020 due to the Corona pandemic, is bringing the site in Wohlen to its capacity limits sooner than expected. The need for a new, larger secondary location already exists from 2023.
Until then, the building owner Digitec Galaxus wants to put a new center in Utzenstorf into operation. A central operations building is planned, in which the articles will be transported via incoming goods to one of the four fully automated warehouses. Once orders have been received, they will be picked, packed and transferred to the Swiss Post's parcel sorting center, which is also planned for the Migros Aare site.
The building application for the planned new construction of the Swiss Post parcel center is to be submitted in spring 2021. As the buildings have different construction dimensions and construction periods, they are scheduled to go into operation simultaneously in 2023. (ah)