Möriken-Wildegg: Sagerei site to be built over

A residential and commercial development with eleven new buildings is to be built on the Sagerei site on Aarauer-/Lindenstrassen in the west of Wildegg (AG).

The Sagerei site in Wildegg is to be built over (Image: ArturVerkhovetskiy - depositphotos)

The site, which is currently occupied by the Schmid sawmill with sawmill, workshop and timber store, is to be put to new use. The 1.6-hectare site is located in the northwestern entrance area of the Wildegg district - on the heavily noisy Aarauerstrasse.

Instead of the sawmill, a four-story residential and commercial development with green flat roofs and a building density of 1.0 is to be built, the Möriken-Wildegg municipal council announced. According to the documents, a Coop supermarket and commercial and service uses are planned in the buildings along Aarauerstrasse. Apartments are planned on the upper floors and in the remaining buildings.

Currently, the drafts for the design plan are in the cantonal preliminary examination. During the consultation process, eight requests from neighbors were received, the municipal council added. (ah)

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