Pratteln: Hiag presents plans for site development

On the site of the former Rohner factory in Pratteln (BL), Hiag wants to create a mixed-use neighborhood with up to 400 apartments and 500 jobs. The plans were presented on March 11, 2021.

The planned development on the Rohner site (Image: Hiag)

The Basel offices of Buchner Bründler Architekten and Berchtold.Lenzin Landschaftsarchitekten emerged as the winners of a study competition for the 32,000-square-meter Rohner site near the train station in Pratteln. The plan is for a mixed-use district with up to 400 apartments for 1,000 people, commercial and office buildings for around 500 workplaces, and generous public green and open spaces that create a link to the existing neighborhoods. The design is now to be specified in more detail as part of an indicative project.

Marco Feusi, CEO of Hiag Immoblien Holding AG, said at the online media orientation that the site has been chemical-free since November 2020, and deconstruction will be completed in September. "We want to initiate a multifaceted, sustainable development here and reposition the site." The site development offers a great opportunity and added value for the community, he said, by enhancing the entire station area, and creating an attractive offering for the neighboring residential neighborhoods with the outdoor and open spaces as well as the small buildings along the southern border. Both representatives of the municipality of Pratteln and the canton of Basel-Landschaft welcomed Hiag's plans at the media orientation.

Hiag has been the owner of the Rohner site since August 2018. Rohner AG was initially to remain a tenant, but in August 2019 the company filed for bankruptcy. Hiag then decided to tackle the development of the site in a timely manner. This required extensive remediation of the contaminated site. (ah)

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